Thursday, July 5, 2007


Martin Luther King Junior was one of the world's prominent peaceful civil disobedience leaders. We don't dare to introduce this well known civil society leader to our readers. We rather wanted to share with you his letter from Birmingham Jail, which transcends the barrier of time and still keeps inspiring those of us who are suffering from various forms of injustices.Even though the letter was originally written in response to a criticism from eight white clergymen of his time, most of the issues he raise in the letter ironically coincide with the current situation in our country. Read the full letter read the short summary
Note: As per a suggestion from a personal freind, we have posted a short review of MLK's letter. Now you have the option to read either the original long letter or the summarized one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greeting for all of you, who are dreaming prosperity, peace and equality for our beloved country Ethiopia, I got your web site form a friend of mine really it is very inspiring and interesting to see such well organized site.
Keep up all your good work I hope you will make a big difference
From san jose