Sunday, June 17, 2007

ethiopian current affairs-view point

I am a big believer in “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Seeing it from that perspective, I understand why some opposition groups work with the government of Eritrea. Considering the nature of politics in general and the character of shabia in particular, I believe we need to be extra cautious not to be heavily dependent on them. Let us use Eritrea as a temporary base and establish our strong existence inside our own country. Otherwise, there is no guarantee our friendship with shabia will last forever. What happened between TPLF and shabia should be a lesson for all of us.
I have been and still am optimistic about the creation of AFD. Even though it has been passive since its inception, it is still not too late for action. Some people don’t like AFD because there are some members in it with secession as their main agenda. I think alienating any group, no matter how much we disagree with them, is not the way to deal in politics in this day and age. Dialogue around the table is the best solution to work out differences. What I would like to see AFD do is include other members who are still out for minor differences. The more united we become, the more strong we will be. And that is what will win EPRDF. On that note, I would like to applaud AFD for the
press release it released a couple of days ago.
When I first heard the news about the handing over of Badme to Eritrea, I couldn’t believe it. Because, in my opinion, both governments wouldn’t want the border dispute to be resolved. As we all know, the border problem is the card both of them play whenever some external pressure started to mount on them regarding internal human rights issues. In case you have noticed, every time some kind of internal instability happens inside the country, they start some thing on the border to divert the attention of the international community. So who would be willing to give up that wild card? Neither of them would, trust me.
Last but not least, it has been reported that a minibus full of children lost their lives to an accident occurred between
debrezeit and dukem . also check this . What a sad story. Ethiopianbloggers would like to extend its condolences to family and friends who lost their beloved ones due to this tragic accident .

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