Monday, June 11, 2007

standing together

Despite speculations that the EPRDF government would come to its senses and free opposition leaders, EPRDF once again proved to us that we should not expect any sense of sanity from this group of criminals.
No matter how hard to swallow, the ball is in our hands now. Whether we like it or not, we need to stand together now more than ever. Let us put our personal differences aside and commit ourselves to the fight against these dictators. We have already spent enough time arguing each other. We have spent enough time releasing press statements. We have spent enough time accusing each other.
Enough to all that now. Let us close that chapter of our struggle history and open a new one. A new one of compromise and unity. A new one that we not only release press statements but also show something tangible. Let us make sure that we leave our differences behind and move on.
The agreement signed by KIL members couldn’t have come at any better time. We all need to stand behind them. We have to refrain from anything that would impact this unity negatively. It doesn’t mean we can't criticize them but we need to make sure our comments are constructive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

true. entebaber or ensebaber.....if we dont stand in unity now, we dont do it never.